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Here's How Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Secret NASCAR Graveyard Works. Sometimes NASCAR’s race cars get into collisions that put them out of operation for good. But what becomes of these retired pieces of potential NASCAR history?

JR Motorsports dropped a video this week showcasing how Dale Earnhardt Jr. Wonder Woman car from when she wrecked during at the Go Bowling 5. May. The process itself seems simple enough. A car is brought in on a flat- bed dually loaded up with a forklift at the shop. It’s then transported to Dirty Mo Acres, then the bed is tipped, and a bit of throttle input lets gravity do the rest. The wrecked car rolls off the back and into its new resting place.

A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew", a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such legendary recording. The world is often cruel and without reason. The Nissan Pao exists. So there’s that. We all know about Fernando Alonso’s abysmal luck this year, with a trail of broken engines left wherever he seems to race. Max Verstappen is certainly Alonso’s. USA Today politics blog. Cult Comedy Movies Reconstruction Of William Zero (2015). Most Popular. Mattis allows transgender troops to continue serving Trump expected to lift ban on military gear to cops. Sometimes NASCAR’s race cars get into collisions that put them out of operation for good. But what becomes of these retired pieces of potential NASCAR history? Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and So far we’ve only seen four-door crew-cab versions of the pickup. I’d like to see a smaller, two-door, single-cab version, but it’s not clear if that’s in the.

Buy Wrecking Crew (2015) Online

In the video, truck driver Sunny Lunsford explains a bit of the history behind this most ritualistic practice that started back in 2. It was Dale’s idea,” he said. Then we just started doing the crashed up race cars and we got plenty of those.”From the looks of things, most of the cars are placed just a few feet from the trail it’s driven on with no real rhyme or reason on where it ends up. There were no plans mentioned on what happens to cars after they’re placed at Dirty Mo Acres, but it looks like nature takes its course and adds its own personal patina. Circle of life, and all that.

Investors should not decide whether to buy or sell simply based on what month it is.

The music for this movie was so memorable because it was composed by Philip Glass. He also composed music for Candyman 2 – probably one of the few good things about.

Buy Wrecking Crew (2015) Online

It would be awesome if one day this particular section of property was opened up to the respectful public to wander around. I can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon.

Gigantic Celestial Wrecking Ball Headed Toward Earth. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self- evident. In modern times, this dangerous celestial body has been known by the name of Planet X. It's difficult to discern the exact truth about this subject because it's been deliberately obscured by disinformation.

We're dealing with one of the biggest cover- ups in the history of mankind, and that's saying a lot, because the competition is so fierce. But after 1. 0 years of research, one school of thought that makes a lot of sense to me is that like most of the stars in the universe, our sun is part of a binary system.

A smaller star - - possibly a brown dwarf star - - orbits the sun, and at least seven planets orbit the second sun, also known as Nemesis and the Dark Star. Planet X is the outermost planet in the Nemesis system, which invades our inner solar system every 3,6. The death threats and harassment I experience have dramatically increased lately, which makes me think we're getting close to the main event. Fortunately, even if I don't live to see Planet X, the excellent You. Tube channel Expitaly provides frequent updates, and so do many others, including Dill Martin. For more information, search for Nibiru updates or Planet X updates.

And don't forget to read the comments underneath the videos. They're loaded with references to other You.

Tube channels that provide more evidence of Nibiru's presence in the solar system. Facebook has a number of Nibiru forums where you can discuss this topic , including Nibiru Countdown. Also try the Pole Shift Ning. Most of these groups are heavily infiltrated by trolls, but you can still find some useful information there if you wade through all the junk.* There are lots of photographs (click on them to see an enlarged version) and videos on this blog that show various celestial objects in the sky right now. That leads me to believe Planet X might arrive sooner than some people have been speculating - - possibly as soon as September or October of this year. The military is already in place now, so a catastrophic event such as an asteroid strike, meteor storm, volcano eruption, earthquake or dam failure could happen at any time. Obviously I can't guarantee Planet X will arrive in September or October.

If I had access to the information NASA is covering up, I could make a more definite prediction. I don't know exactly when Planet X will get here, but I think we should all be prepared for the possibility that it will arrive soon. Lately my sources have been telling me it's going to happen in November. If it hasn't arrived by the end of November, I  would expect it to happen in December or sometime next year at the latest.* The sky was all lit up in yellow in the middle of the night on Sept.

France. These photos (at right) were taken between 1 and 2 in the morning, hours before sunrise. Planet X lights up the night sky in Texas* There was an important Planet X event in Washington, D.

C., on Monday evening, Aug. See this two- part video: Planet X Event in Washington, D. C. Planet X Event in Washington, D. C., Part 2* There was an intense Planet X- related event on the eastern horizon on Aug.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and it was captured by a webcam (see photo below). Second suns, planets and various other anomalies are often visible on this webcam, especially around sunrise and sunset.

Here's a link to the webcam: Fort Lauderdale webcam. The second sun appears on the horizon in Kauai, Hawaii, half an hour after sunset (below) on Aug. A second sunset was captured by a webcam in Kauai, Hawaii, on Monday, Aug. The photo above was taken at 7: 2.

It's pretty obvious that our solar system has been invaded by multiple celestial objects. This one looks more like a sun than a planet, but who knows? The point is, they're here, and they're about to cause some dramatic Earth changes, just as they have many times throughout Earth's history.

Like most of the Earth. Cams, the webcam in Kauai has an archive system for watching videos that were recorded during the previous 2. The hours around sunrise and sunset are usually the most interesting. To access the archives, select ARCHIVES under the main video frame, and then select the hour you want to watch. Here's a link to the Kauai webcam* Here's another video that shows Planet X on the eastern horizon at sunrise on Aug.

Hawaii. It even casts an orange reflection on the water. Planet X at sunrise in Hawaii* Here's a video shot from an airplane that shows the second sun hovering over the sun. Second sun visible from airplane* And here's another video showing two suns in the sky in Nevada: Two suns in Las Vegas* And another showing Two suns in Turkey* Webcams all over the world are equipped with computer programs, filters and other devices that are used to hide Planet X and the other planets in the system from view when they become visible. They make them appear blurry or sometimes they try to make the planet look like a spider on the lens or something else. It's all part of the cover- up. Another excellent Planet X channel to follow is Sasa Lucic. Here's a link to one of his videos: Planet X setting with the sun in Nebraska* Things are literally heating up on the Planet X front.

It was up in the 9. Seattle and in the 1. Portland for several days during the first week of July, and also in the last week of July, which is totally abnormal. And there have also been severe thunderstorms with unprecedented amounts of lightning, torrential downpours and flash flooding all over the United States on a daily basis.

And webcams all over the world have been shut down lately in an attempt to hide something that would otherwise be visible in the sky. You can clearly see in that video that Planet X is orange in color.* The Weather Channel and other news organizations have tried to explain the pink skies caused by Planet X by claiming they're being created by forest fires in Canada. LOL! This phenomenon is happening all over the world, not just in the Upper Midwest of the United States.

Don't buy the forest fire cover story.* The moon has been turning orange and red lately as a result of Planet X getting closer.* This video features some recently captured spectacular images of the Planet X solar system: Nemesis, Planet X and Nibiru* This video displays some of the latest photographs of the Planet X system, including some that were taken with a telescope: Latest photographs of the Planet X system* Two suns were visible at sunrise in Florida on June 2. Two suns visible in Florida* This web site has been updating some of the Earth changes related to Planet X. There's been a dramatic increase in electrical storms lately, and there have been thousands of lightning strikes, many of them fatal. Mp4 Movies For Ipod Hot Pursuit (2015). Earth changes related to Planet X* Here are some photographs of Nibiru and some of the other planets in the Planet X system taken by an amateur astronomer in Brazil.

You might need to be on Facebook to see these, I'm not sure: Photographs of Nibiru and Co.* This video shows the unbelievably bright orange light from Nibiru at sunset at the Statue of Liberty on June 2. Sunset at the Statue of Liberty*********************************************************************************My understanding is that Planet X is visible only in the infrared spectrum when it's millions of miles away. As it gets closer, it becomes visible to the naked eye. There are many planets and moons in the Planet X system, so perhaps some of the celestial objects that are showing up on cameras all over the world are not Planet X, but one of its moons or another planet in the system. One of the planets in the Planet X system was captured, along with its moon, rising before the sun recently in Italy.

At least three additional objects were also visible as they moved across the sky in retrograde orbit behind Nibiru. EDT on May 2. 2. Something that looks an awful lot like Planet X is to the left of the sun.