
Unfreedom (2015) Downloading


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Young. Mask of Sorrow. Monument to the victims of the Gulag, Magadan, by Alglus (CC BY- SA 3. I’ve been thinking about historical memory of the Gulag and the Stalinist repressions recently whilst working on my book, and have decided to put together a few posts of links relating to the subject. The Walking Deceased (2015) Downloading. This is partly from my own need to organize the material coherently, and partly because an up- to- date list would, I hope, be useful to other people as well. I’ll say a bit more about the question of historical memory itself in a subsequent post, because there is already quite enough material for this one, on memory books. Memory books (knigi pamiati), listing the names of victims of the political repressions in the Soviet Union, began to appear in the mid 1.

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Unfreedom (2015) Downloading

The bibliography A. Razumov et al, eds, Knigi pamiati zhertv politicheskikh repressii v SSSR: Annotirovannyi ukazatel’ (St Petersburg: RNB, Mezhdunarodnyi proekt “Vozvrashchennye imena”, 2. They are still appearing, albeit at a much slower rate – some recent ones are listed on the Vozvrashchennye imena (Recovered names) website. A significant number of memory books and databases have also been put on line, primarily, although not solely, through the auspices of Memorial and the Vozvrashchennye imena project, which ultimately aims (I hope it is not too optimistic to continue to use the present tense) to build a single database of all the victims of the Soviet repressions.

Unfreedom (2015) Downloading

That is clearly no small task, and the long gestation of the project should perhaps come as no surprise. In the mean time it is part of the nature of the internet that sites get moved and links decay, and even the links sections on the Memorial and Vozvrashchennye imena websites are full of broken links, making it difficult to find some of those memory books that are currently available.

My starting point for compiling this list was the following sites. I make no claims to completeness – the list is very much a work in progress, and any information about other memory book sites that can be added will be gratefully received. The material is ordered thus: 1) General lists and databases.

Lists of victims by location: a) Moscowb) Leningradc) other cities and regions of the Russian Federationd) other former Soviet republicse) other countries and peoples. Lists devoted to specific groups of victims.

I have translated titles and essential details about contents. In places I have included notes about sources, usage, limitations, etc, based on my own observations, but overall I have tried to keep details to a minimum, given the number of links. General lists and databases. Includes the names of victims who do not appear in other memory books, based on materials received from relatives and taken from archival sources in the . Contains around 2,7.

Browsable lists by surname. From the CD “Stalinskie rassstrelnye spiski” (Moscow: Zven’ia, 2. Browsable lists by name and place. Lists of victims by locationa) MOSCOW. Also has information on Sentencing organs; sources of information and preparation of the list; places of mass burial of the victims of political repressions; principles of publication. Organized by place of burial and year of execution.

The Sakharov Center’s Martyrology, browsable by surname. Memorial’s list, organized street by street. A map of the victims by address can be found here. LENINGRAD. Some interesting statistics related to this list can be found here, which give the lie, among other things, to the persistent notion that it was mainly party members who were arrested during the Great Terror. RUSSIAN FEDERATION (alphabetical order by city/region)ALTAI: Memorial . Documents and materials.

Astrakhan oblast/Commission for the restoration of rights of the rehabilitated victims of political repression in the Astrakhan oblast. Vladimir city; Aleksansdrovskii- Kol’chuginskii regions. Searchable by surname, name and patronymic. Downloadable documents – also available here. VOLOGDA: Official portal of the Government of Vologda oblast: . More than 1. 50. 0 biographical entries (from Abagaev Aleksandr Toktoevich to Bashkuev Lazar’ Sharaevich). Search by alphabet.

KEMEROVO. More than 2. KRASNOYARSK: Krasnoyarsk Memorial Society’s site . Access via alphabetized names.

Memory book of political repressions in Krasnoyarsk krai. Covers letters . Lists of rehabilitated people whose death sentences were carried out in the territory of Magadan oblast. This is a very impressive recently published site with a great deal of information about the terror and its victims, as well as a martyology with biographical details of victims, searchable indexes by name and geographical area and much more besides. See also: . Searchable by place as well as name; useful site with information also on cemeteries, memorials, etc.

SAMARA: Memorial . Search via database only, no browsing of lists. A significant number of duplicates. Part of the database is based on the publication: .

Memory book of the victims of political repressions, . Vols 1- 5 of the print edition cover letters . References to archive file numbers. List of 3. 4,0. 00 families (around 1. From data of the Information Centre of the Tomsk oblast Directorate of Internal Affairs. List of 2. 0,8. 06 rehabilitated inhabitants of Tomsk oblast (repressed under article 5. RSFSR). From data of the administration of the Tomsk oblast KBG- FSK- FSB.

This list, but with less information on each of the repressed, was first set down in the publication . Beledin (Volgograd, 2. A list of more than 7. Stalingrad oblast.

A scanned copy, so not the most usable format, but at least it’s available. YAROSLAVL: . List of more than 1. FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICSBELARUS. Execution lists. Issue 1: Alma- Ata & Alma- Ata oblast. Alphabetical search. More than 4. 1,0. Zolochev). Shevchenko scientific society, Foundation of the Ukrainian Free University in the USA.

Virtual version of the Museum of Occupation in the period between 1. Lists of the repressed in Estonia. Politilised arreteerimised Eestis, 1. Tallinn, 1. 99. 6, 1. Created from a card index of labour army workers at Tagillag. POLAND. Search by database. Information on the multi- volume publication “Indeks Represjonowanych”.

Orthodox Humanities University of St Tikhon: Canonized new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church. More than 2. 8,0.

Biographies, photos, information about repressions, links to sources. Search by name, place of service etc.

Also statistics of repression by city/region and date. NB: Both pages need the encoding set to Cyrillic (Windows- 1. Repressed geologists (9. Directors, deputy directors and learned secretaries of institutes executed in Moscow (7. Professors and doctors of science executed in Moscow (1.

Academics shot in Moscow (4. Repression of members of the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Engineering (4. Vostokovedy (Far- Eastern specialists). Artists and art historians: On the Sakharov Center’s site. Free Downloads A La Mala (2015) on this page. ARMY COMMANDERS PURGED IN THE 1.