
Whole Inside Out (2015) Movie Online


An Exclusive Look at Sony’s Hacking Saga. At 8: 3. 0 A. M. Pascal, 5.

Hollywood. Having spent 3. Sony Pictures Entertainment, the global television- digital- and- motion- picture conglomerate—she has earned the expansive third- floor office that was occupied by studio head Louis B. Mayer, in the 1. 93. Sony lot was the domain of mighty Metro- Goldwyn- Mayer, and Mayer was known as “the Lion of Hollywood.” It was on these soundstages and movie sets that Atlanta was burned in Gone with the Wind and Dorothy followed the Yellow Brick Road to Oz. Since Sony and a consortium of investors purchased MGM, in 2. Academy Award nominations, 1. The studio’s secrets were safe in Mayer’s day, when they died within the walls of a soundproof telephone room adjoining his office.

Pascal believed she didn’t need the soundproof room. Like everyone else in the entertainment industry these days, she communicated through e- mail that was believed to be secure. But this morning, as she began her day, she discovered that a bizarre specter had hijacked her computer. The screen glowed with a blood- red skeleton baring its fangs, and the words “Hacked By #GOP.”Superimposed over the skeleton was an ominous warning: We’ve obtained all your internal data including your secrets and top secrets. If you don’t obey us, we’ll release data shown below to the world.

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Whole Inside Out (2015) Movie Online

The “data” below consisted of five links that would turn out to be the internal records of the entertainment giant. Pascal thought it was a joke. Still, she called Michael Lynton, 5. Sony Pictures’ C. E. O. He and Pascal have been a team for nearly a decade now; Lynton handles administration and business affairs, leaving Pascal free to deal with the creative side of making movies. Lynton told her he’d been advised of the skeleton’s threat while driving to the studio that morning, having received a call from Sony’s C.

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Whole Inside Out (2015) Movie Online

F. O., David Hendler, who explained they’d been hacked by an organization called Guardians of Peace. They were shutting Sony’s entire computer system down, including the network, Internet, and any customer- facing sites, to stop any further damage. On the previous Friday, November 2. Lynton, Pascal, and several other Sony executives had been sent an e- mail from a group calling itself “God’s.

Apstls,” which included a demand for “monetary compensation” and to “pay the damage, or Sony Pictures will be bombarded as a whole.” On one of the company’s Twitter feeds, the same group had posted a crude depiction of Lynton and Pascal as ghouls in a surreal doomsday backdrop, along with a warning: “You, the criminals including Michael Lynton will surely go to hell. Nobody can help you.”Neither Lynton nor Pascal had seen those messages—Lynton’s had become lost in his in- box; Pascal’s had gone to her spam. Now what the 3,5.

Sony Pictures Entertainment network worldwide. Employees were instructed to immediately turn off their computers and ensure that their phones and tablets were disconnected from Wi- Fi and not to engage in e- mail or download anything on the company lot. At that point it seemed like a temporary inconvenience. For Pascal, it must have seemed too predictable, too “on the nose,” to employ the screenwriting term for dialogue that’s too obvious.

So she returned to her workday, packed with meetings with producers, writers, agents, and executives, before the town shut down that Wednesday evening for Thanksgiving. Such was the opening scene in what would become the entertainment industry’s most hair- raising real- life thriller.

The studio had been taken hostage by vicious, unknown cyber- criminals who would release the company’s internal data into the hands of the media, leak by leak, eight giant dumps in all. The hacking of Sony Pictures would become “an international crisis, the cyber- attack that put Americans’ vulnerability on display, a free speech cause, an Oval Office gut- check, and a cautionary tale for the future of warfare,” says Rich Klein, a partner at the Washington, D. C.- based advisory firm Mc. Larty Associates. November Surprise. November 2. 4 was a quiet day in Seth Rogen and his production- company partner Evan Goldberg’s office on the Sony lot. Rogen was away; Goldberg was at his computer.“One of the guys working in editorial rushed in and told me to deactivate the Wi- Fi on my cell phone and i.

Pad,” Goldberg recalls. I need to tell everyone else!’ and left to spread the word.”When Goldberg stepped outside, the usually sunny studio lot looked like a scene from This Is the End—the 2. Rogen- Goldberg comedy in which the real James Franco throws a party with his real- life pals during the not- real- life apocalypse.

Whoever hacked the company had not only stolen its internal data; they had wiped out everything in their wake. Sony’s e- mail system was down and out, so employees were forced to communicate by paper memos, texts, phone calls from their personal cell phones, and temporary e- mail addresses. The studio’s executives were reduced to using Black. Download Film Heaven Knows What (2015).

Berrys unearthed from the basement of the Thalberg building. A command center was set up in a special room in the Gene Kelly building, the soundstage where the dancer’s Singin’ in the Rain had been filmed, in 1.

Key members of Sony’s executive team began holding standing meetings at 9 and 4, to map out a plan of action. But there were few clues other than the company’s computers, which had gone dark except for the skeleton and the warning “Determine what will you do till November the 2. PM (GMT).”When that time came and passed and nothing happened, Sony’s executives, including Lynton and Pascal, breathed a sigh of relief. But it was only the eye of the hurricane.

It was just like a movie, and it was also about a movie. A comedy called The Interview. Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, both now 3. Bar Mitzvah class in their hometown of Vancouver, British Columbia.

In their office on the Sony lot both would eventually aspire to go beyond the movie- comedy clich. Cohen’s 2. 00. 6 raunchy comedy, Borat, had proven that a movie could satirize a real country—in *Borat’*s case Kazakhstan—and get away with it.

In 2. 01. 0, while filming The Green Hornet, Rogen was seized by an idea: “a film about a journalist obtaining an interview with someone infamous and then being approached by the C. I. A. Bush called one of the three “Axis of Evil” nations. According to the propaganda, Kim Jong Il was born during a double rainbow, learned to walk at the age of three weeks, wrote 1,5. The dictator found escape in movies, eventually shaping his country’s movie industry, “as writer, producer, executive and critic; . In 1. 97. 8, Kim—determined to import talent—ordered the kidnapping of a respected South Korean filmmaker and his actress ex- wife and forced them to make propaganda films and a knock- off of Godzilla. Kim Jong Il “was the perfect villain, not just because of how unusual he was, but because no rational person would ever try to defend him,” say Rogen and Goldberg in an e- mail. Once we began researching in earnest, the idea of in some way shedding light on this situation became incredibly appealing.”They pitched the movie to Sony: a buddy comedy of sorts, in which a vapid entertainment- TV talk- show host, Dave Skylark, played by Franco, and his semi- bumbling producer, played by Rogen, are recruited by the C.

I. A. They needn’t have worried. Only 2. 8 at the time, with close- cropped hair, Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il’s son and successor, soon assassinated his uncle for being a “traitor” and “worse than a dog,” and reportedly killed his deputy defense minister for insufficiently grieving over Kim Jong Il’s death.“We have a file in the building somewhere of all the insane shit they say,” Goldberg told Rolling Stone. Much of that “insane shit” made it into The Interview, including the opening scene, in which an adorable little North Korean girl sings, “Die America, die,” before a vast audience. The best and the brightest vie for admission to Mirim College, a military school that trains its students in computer sciences.

The Short, Tragic Life of Aaron Hernandez: Inside a Violent Downfall. Meanwhile, Hernandez had been troubled and was a known trouble- maker, but the depths to which he fell during his prime amount to a life wasted. A life that ended yesterday in prison, the same day a handful of Patriots visited the White House with their Super Bowl LI rings. Whole She`S Funny That Way (2015) Movie Online. Added Brandon Beam, a former high school teammate, . His brother was at college, and the only other person he would really talk to was the one who was taken away.